Tesco Clubcard: making loyalty work better

Redesigning Tesco’s Clubcard app to improve engagement and modernize the experience

Tesco Clubcard: making loyalty work better

Redesigning Tesco’s Clubcard app to improve engagement and modernize the experience

Tesco Clubcard: making loyalty work better

Redesigning Tesco’s Clubcard app to improve engagement and modernize the experience







My role

Product Designer















Fixing Tesco’s Clubcard experience


Fixing Tesco’s Clubcard experience


Fixing Tesco’s Clubcard experience

Tesco’s Clubcard faced engagement and adoption challenges. Many users found the digital experience frustrating compared to the plastic card. Through research and testing, we identified key usability issues and redesigned the experience to improve adoption.


Understanding the problems


Understanding the problems


Understanding the problems

Engagement and adoption were low in Central Europe. Through research and testing, we identified key issues affecting both users and business performance.

Highlights from usability testing

Stress at checkout when using coupons

“I hate standing at checkout while everyone waits and I’m panicking, trying to find my coupons.”

Waiting months for vouchers

“Why can’t I transfer my points instantly? Waiting months doesn’t make any sense”

No extra value in the app

“Honestly, I just stick to my plastic card. It’s simple, and I don’t see any extra value in downloading the app—it’s just more effort.”

Business Challenges & Competitive Gaps

Business Challenges & Competitors

Competitor Research

Tesco lacked key features other competitors had, such as immediate registration, personalized offers, and seamless checkout.

UX Audit Findings

Navigation, visual hierarchy, and discoverability issues made it difficult for users to find the key features.

Business Pain Points

The app had low engagement and a low digital adoption rate compared to cards.


Data Analysis and Workshops


Data Analysis and Workshops


Data Analysis and Workshops

We analyzed user data, ran workshops, and mapped the customer journey to find key pain points and opportunities. This helped align the team and set clear priorities for the redesign.


Design, Prototyping & Validating


Design, Prototyping & Validating


Design, Prototyping & Validating

We designed a new concept for the app, ran a few iterations of user testing and workshops with business stakeholders, and incorporated the feedback back into the designs.

Pre-selected coupons

Reduced friction at the checkout and added the possibility to save coupons in advance.

“I hate standing at checkout while everyone waits and I’m panicking, trying to find my coupons.”

screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding

Refreshed design and Information Architecture

Simplified the layout, improved the visual hierarchy, and made key features easier to access.

Improved visual hierarchy

Not clear visial hierarchy

Sections with coupons and vouchers

Disturbing moving banner

Simplified navigation

Statement tab - not used

Faster Vouchers

Redesigned the voucher system so users can convert points instantly.

“Why can’t I transfer my points instantly? Waiting months doesn’t make any sense”

screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding

Shopping history and leaflets

Motivating people to use the app more often.

“Honestly, I just stick to my plastic card. It’s simple, and I don’t see any extra value in downloading the app—it’s just more effort.”

screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding
screen - onboarding


Seeing the results


Seeing the results


Seeing the results

Increased Clubcard app vs. plastic card ratio

Increased by 12%

Increased by 12%

App ratings improved

From 3.7 to 4.4

From 3.7 to 4.4

Engagement with app improved

Usage of coupons

Leaflet Engagement

Customer Retention


What I learned?


What I learned?


What I learned?

UX is more than designing in Figma

Selling ideas and persuading stakeholders was crucial to driving change.

-> Through workshops and meetings, we aligned teams and improved collaboration.

You can’t control everything

A sudden vendor change delayed implementation for months.

→ We adapted and used this as an opportunity to redefine workflows with the new vendor.

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Sebastian Stransky

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Sebastian Stransky

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Thank you so much for taking the time to view my portfolio

Sebastian Stransky

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Thank you so much for taking the time to view my portfolio